Who is Krishna?
Some say, God has no name, but God has so many names that any one name is not Gods only name. We cannot limit the Unlimited.
God has unlimited names according to His activities. He is called Devaki-nandana because He accepted Devaki as His mother. He is called Nanda-nandana and Yashoda-nandana in relationship with Nanda Maharaja and Yashoda, His foster father and mother. He is called Partha-sarathi because He was the chariot driver of Arjuna. He is Bhakta-vatsala, affectionate to His devotees. He is Gopinatha, the Lord of the gopis. He is Gopijana-vallabha, beloved of the inhabitants of Vrindavana. He is Bhava-grahi Janardana, who understands ones mental attitude. He is Varadaraja, the best of the givers of benedictions. He is Avatari, the source of all incarnations. He is Radha-ramana, the lover of Radharani. He is Govinda, who gives pleasure to the cows and to everyones senses.
He is Krishna. If any transcendental name belongs to the Absolute Personality of Godhead, it must be the name indicated by the word Krishna, which means all-attractive. One is attractive if he is wealthy, powerful, famous, beautiful, wise, or renounced. The Supreme Person possesses in fullness all wealth, all power, all fame, all beauty, all wisdom, and all renunciation. Therefore He is Bhagavan. Bhaga means opulence and van means one who possesses.
Lord Sri Krishna is mentioned on every page of the Bhagavad-gita as Bhagavan. The word Bhagavan denotes a great person or demigod, but all authorities of Vedic knowledge confirm that Krishna is the Supreme Person. The Lord Himself establishes this in the Bhagavad-gita, and He is accepted as such in the Brahma-samhita and all the Puranas, especially Srimad-Bhagavatam.
Krishnas Unparalleled Activities
The Vedic history of the universe extends billions of years into the past. Throughout those years, it gives the histories of Krishnas appearances and disappearances. In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna tells Arjuna that both He and Arjuna had had many births before. Krishna could remember all of them but Arjuna could not. This is the difference between Krishna, God, and Arjuna, man. Krishnas knowledge and memory are boundless, but Arjunas knowledge and memory are limited by time and space.
Krishna incarnates on one planet after another in infinite universes. He appeared on this earth in His original form as Krishna five thousand years ago. He stayed here for 125 years and played exactly like a human being, but His activities were unparalleled in the history of the world. Within the prison of His maternal uncle, Kamsa, where His father and mother were confined, Krishna appeared outside His mothers body as the four-handed Vishnu-Narayana. Then He turned Himself into a baby and told His father to carry Him to the house of Nanda Maharaja and his wife Yashoda. When Krishna was just a small baby the gigantic demoness Putana attempted to kill Him, but when He sucked her breast He pulled out her life.
God Is Always God
Krishna did not practice meditation to become God. He manifested Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead at every step, from infancy to childhood, from childhood to boyhood, and from boyhood to young manhood. Although Krishna plays like a human being, He always maintains His identity as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Krishna is the original person among all persons. Krishna expands Himself into innumerable forms, such as Baladeva, Rama, Nrisimha, and Varaha. All these forms are one and the same Personality of Godhead. They are not like our forms, which are fallible. His form is infallible. My form has a beginning, but His multiforms have no beginning or end. Krishna can be everywhere at once. He is in Goloka Vrindavana, and at the same time He is everywhere, all-pervading. He is original, the oldest, but whenever you look at a picture of Krishna youll find a young boy fifteen or twenty years old. Krishna, God, never becomes old.
The Supreme Engineer
Krishna is the origin of all creations. Everything emanates from Him. In the beginning there was no Brahma, no Shiva, no Indra, no sun, no moon, no stars, no electricity. There was only Krishna. By the will of the Lord, everything emanates from Him, is maintained by Him, and enters into Him at the end. And yet He is so perfect that He doesnt manage everything personally. His inconceivable energies do all the work by His will. The chief engineer of a complicated construction does not personally take part in the construction, but he knows every nook and corner because everything is done under his direction. He knows everything about the construction, both directly and indirectly. Similarly, the Personality of Godhead, the supreme engineer of this cosmic creation, knows every nook and corner, although affairs are being carried out by His plenary expansions and demigods.
Krishna Is the Enjoyer
Krishna is compared to the root of a tree or the stomach in the body. When one waters the root of a tree, he automatically waters the branches, twigs, leaves and flowers; when one supplies food to the stomach through the mouth, he satisfies all the parts of the body. If we love Krishna, we will automatically realize universal love, unity, and tranquility.
When Krishna Plays His Flute
Krishna is the primeval Lord, Govinda, who has pastimes with the cows and the cowherd boys and girls in the spiritual earthly village of Gokula. When Krishna plays beautiful dancing notes on His flute, it attracts the hearts of all living beings. As the petal of the lotus flower is a pleasant sight, Krishnas eyes, the revelation of spiritual vision, expand the unlimited splendor of His moonlike face. His beauty is set off by the charming peacock feather that adorns His head. The hue of Krishnas body resembles a tranquil blue rain cloud. The loveliness of Krishna is far more enchanting than Cupids multiplied billions of times.
For more reading: Srimad-Bhagavatam: 1.1.1, 1.3.28, 2.9.33 Brahma-samhita: 5.1, 5.39, 5.46 Chaitanya-charitamrita: Adi-lila, 5.142 Bhagavad-gita: 7.7, 10.8, 10.12, 10.41, 14.4

Lord Chaitanya
When Lord Krishna appeared about five thousand years ago, He spoke the Bhagavad-gita to tell people to surrender to Him, and he promised them protection from the karmic reactions to their activities. Unfortunately, not everyone accepted His offer. So, feeling compassion for them, Krishna decided to come again five hundred years ago, this time in a form called Sri Krishna Caitanya. He acted as devotee and taught by example how to surrender to Krishna.
As Lord Chaitanya, Krishna assumed the mentality and complexion of His dearmost devotee, His consort Radharani, and taught how by the congregational chanting of the names of God, especially in the form of the Hare Krishna mantra, we can awaken our dormant love of God. Lord Chaitanya gives the greatest benediction, love of God, to everyone without consideration, and thus he is praised by the Vaishnava saint Rupa Goswami as the most munificent of all incarnations of God.
Lord Chaitanya was assisted by His intimate associates, the Panca-tattva, which include Lord Nityananda and Advaita Acharya, also incarnations of God, and Gadadhara, the incarnation of Gods spiritual pleasure potency, and Srivasa Thakura, incarnation of a pure devotee of God.
Lord Chaitanya appeared in Mayapur, in what is now West Bengal, in the year 1486 in a brahmana family and was quite a scholar in His youth. After He met His guru, Isvara Puri, in Gaya, however, He simply became interested in devotion to Krishna and organized parties of many devotees playing musical instruments and chanting the names of Krishna in the streets. This congregational chanting of Gods names, He taught, is the prime benediction for humanity, it cleanses our hearts of material desires, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are always anxious, the eternal nectar of love of God.
To further His mission, He accepted the renounced order of life, sannyasa, at the age of twenty-four. Then He traveled throughout southern India and inspired devotion to Krishna in everyone who saw Him. For the last eighteen years of His manifest pastimes in this world, He lived in Jagannath Puri with His intimate followers and demonstrated the highest limits of love of God. Lord Chaitanya returned to the spiritual world at the age of forty-eight.
Lord Chaitanya taught that as spirit souls we are part of God and thus we are one with Him in quality, and yet at the same time we are also different from Him in quantity. This is called acintya-bheda-abheda-tattva, inconceivable, simultaneous oneness and difference. Our constitutional position is, therefore, to serve God with love, and our love for Him can be invoked by chanting His names and cultivating the qualities of tolerance and humility. To awaken our love of God, or Krishna-prema, is lifes ultimate goal and will please us to our full satisfaction. Lord Chaitanya left eight verses, called the Shikshashtaka, which summarize His teachings. And on His instruction His leading disciples wrote many books, with copious references from the Vedic scriptures, confirming His teachings.