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The newspaper throws in everyone's bungalow . . . they are making their business because they get advertisement.
Therefore, they have to hear or understand so many news, but not this Bhagavatam. They'll devote the whole day for reading this newspaper."

- S.B. Lecture Vrindavana, 8-3-74

        Yamunanagar, Haryana
Dear Devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 
ISKCON's fledgling centre in Yamunanagar, Haryana, (near Kuruksetra) is
happy to announce another auspicous ceremony that took place on Aksaya
Tritiya (the 22nd of last month).
Under the priestly guidance of Vraja Bhakti Vilas Prabhu (TP ISKCON Noida),
and under the spiritual guidance of HH Gopal Krsna Goswami, the 
devotees and
congregation of ISKCON Yamunanagar performed the auspicious bhumi-puja 
for the proposed 'Sri Sri Radha-Kunjabihari' temple here.
A five-kunda yajna was performed on the land, and according to vidhi, 
the Deity of Ananta Sesa was placed in a pit to consecrate the future
construction site. HH Gopal Krsna Maharaja then spoke to the assembled
devotees about the saintly character and activities of Srila 
Madhavendra Puri in regards to the Deities of Gopal and Ksira-cora-gopinath.
Then HG Saksi Gopal Prabhu (TP ISKCON Kuruksetra), a long-time preacher in
this area, after encouraging the guests to support the construction 
project, led the arati kirtana. The District Collector also graced the event and
promised to upgrade the access road to the temple site.
 The land for the temple (around 3/4ths of an acre) has been donated to
ISKCON by HG Banke Bihari Prabhu, and after a slow start, the project 
is entering a new phase thanks to the efforts of the local devotees.
HH Radha Govinda Maharaja also recently visited Yamunanagar and spoke in
depth on the events leading up to the appearance of Lord Krsna. Several
thousand city residents took advantage of this krsna-katha, 
participated in krsna-kirtana and also received full krsna-prasadam for two nights.
 The real need at the present stage of development here is for more devotees
to assist HG Divya Purush Prabhu, Temple President, so if any of the 
of this news are inspired to help cultivate this ripe preaching field for
the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihari, please
contact Divya Purush Prabhu below:
Hare Krishna dham
Hare Krishna Marg, Jagadhri Road
Yamunanagar 135001
Haryana, India

phone: 01732-330775,201428

Iraq: Liberating the liberators
By Krishna Dharma Dasa

It is interesting that the US and UK styled themselves as "liberators" of Iraq. Subtly implied in this euphemistic term is the assumption that we are ourselves already liberated, in a position to bestow our happy state on others. And that is surely a commonly held assumption in the West. We view ourselves as having the most progressive and free societies. But how true is this? Full story here

Lessons From the Road
By H.H. Indradyumna Swami

Diary of a Traveling Preacher Volume 5 - Chapter 11
"Will We Have Harinama?" Sarajevo, Bosnia 02/11/03 to 17/12/03

As my flight circled over Sarajevo, Bosnia, waiting for permission to land,I saw that the first snow of winter had already fallen on the city. On our descent, I also caught a glimpse of the ancient mosque in the city center.

During my last visit, seven years ago,Muslim soldiers attacked our Harinama procession there. The people of Sarajevo were shocked by this provocation on foreigners, only months after a prolonged war in the Balkans had ended, and they came by the thousands to our festival the next day to express their sympathy. Full story here

The Meatrix!

Young Pig Leo is living a happy life on a family farm when he encounters Moopheus, a mysterious cow from another world. Moopheus offers Leo a choice: Take the blue pill and continue living in your dream world, take the red pill and I'll show you where your food REALLY comes from ...

Teaches viewers about the horrors of factory farms and slaughterhouses. Srila Prabhupada always preached strongly against these 'factories of death', and the 'Meatrix' is a great way to introduce the people (especially those who've seen the Matrix movies) to a vegetarian diet!

Click here to view The Meatrix (requires Flash player).

Throughway to Happiness
Every one of us is searching after happiness, but we do not know what real happiness is. We see so much advertised about happiness, but practically speaking we see so few happy people. This is because so few people know that the platform of real happiness is beyond temporary things. It is this real happiness that is described in Bhagavad-gita by Lord Krsna to Arjuna. (Article by Srila Prabhupada)